Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Zac Brown Band in Irvine

Last May we saw the Zac Brown Band at the Hollywood Bowl and found out that they were coming to Southern California again - but this time they came to Irvine, CA.
Lindy and Sherri heard me rave about how good they were last time and were down to see them in Irvine - Jim Joe also came and my friend John because Kevin had to work.

This Verizon Wireless Amphitheater does not mess around - it was party city before the concert.

The spread of food and drinks - people were in rare form.

We discussed how me, Lindy and Sherri's roommate Jenna had never shotgunned a beer before - so, of course it was decided that we must do it at this event.  The guy behind Lindy and Jenna in plaid was nicknamed the Tooth Guy because he punctured all of our beers with his tooth.  Classy and hygienic, I know.  We were a little scared but took to the task anyway.  Sherri took a video of us doing it but I haven't gotten her pictures from the concert yet.

Lindy believed she was best at this maneuver.  Guys from a few cars away boosted her confidence by confirming this belief - we were not so sure since she only finished half her beer.

Jenna and I were worried about getting the beer on ourselves - we made sure we kept a lot of distance between us and the spraying beer.

Jim Joe decided that this should be something I cross off my 30 for 30 list, so I added it just for him :)

The group before the concert:
Jenna, Sherri, Jim Joe, Me, PJ, John and Lindy

Jim Joe and Sher-bear

"Red Solo cup - I fill you up - lets have a party . . . "
Right before we headed into the concert we filled up on some goldfish crackers - somehow a lot of them ended up on the floor.  We joked that it was like Lindy with her soup on the bachelorette cruise :)

Getting down to Zac Brown

We had really good seats, if I do say so myself.  We were pretty far back but center of the stage, which was great.

It was a great concert and, again, I would see Zac Brown any and every time he comes into town.  
Love them!

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