Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkey Day

Happy Turkey Day Tomorrow!

For the past few weeks I have been writing a novel because it is National Novel Writing Month and this is the 10th year of the contest. The contest is basically anyone who reaches 50,000 words in the month of November is classified a winner, which is cool, but you have to log into the website and upload your word count and they verify everything. So I have been writing a lot and as much as I can since November 1st. As of right now I am 41,000 words into it and I still have until Sunday night at midnight. I am just worried that with all the festivities that I will be sidetracked, but I'm pretty sure I can hold strong and finish it in time. Besides, I'm a procrastinator who does best when the deadline is almost there.
Also, Happy Birthday to Carter, Kevin's new nephew who was born earlier this morning. Welcome to the world! I'm sure the Triplett clan is very excited from California to Chicago, so congratulations everyone.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jamaica'N me crazy! Honeymoon is booked!

Do you recognize Kevin and I in this picture? We posed for it hahaha jk. Though hopefully that will be us in 6 months - whoa the time is flying - when we go on our honeymoon to Jamaica. I've been researching and looking at lots of different places to try and decide where to go and initially we were going to go through Sandals. They have lots of different resorts and different islands to choose from and they are all-inclusive which was definitely something we were excited about so we wouldn't have to worry about paying for anything once we got there. However, none of the flights seemed to work out like we were wanting them to and we couldn't decide on which island or resort we wanted to go because they all seemed to have pros and cons. Then last night I ran into this resort which is part of the Sandals brand but a slightly higher-end and smaller resort that seemed a little nicer and still had the all-inclusive aspect. Then when I punched in the flight info it was just perfect. Voila! Perfect timing too since we got a deal and was eligible for a one night free discount. Now we are booked and ready to go!