Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dr. Phil Show Was Great Success!

Today Lindy, Sherri, Amy, Karly and myself all went to the Dr. Phil show. Originally we thought we were going to the Holiday Giveaway show because Lindy's sorority got invited to go to Robin's Annual giveaway show. Of course, around this time of year, we assumed it meant the holiday show so we were really excited to get tons of goodies for free. However, we soon came to realize that the holiday show was being aired today so of course we wouldn't be going to the taping since it was already airing. We still wanted to go, though, just to be in the audience of the Dr. Phil show. As we arrive we really didn't even notice that there were only women in the whole audience. Well, it turned out that Robin, Dr. Phil's wife, has written a book and the whole show was about stuff she had written and the beauty products that she uses. We ended up getting tons of stuff that she likes and we were really excited!

It was a great show and Dr. Phil's daughter-in-law was actually sitting in the row right in front of us and right in front of Amy. We got a blow dryer, a hair straightener, round brushes, a 24k gold eyelash curler, fancy skin care stuff. It was great! We had a great time and we got Robin's book too! So thanks Dr. Phil and Robin ... it was really a great time :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas is Coming

Well it's that time of year again and Christmas is coming, whether you are ready or not! Last year I had almost all my Christmas shopping done in October because I didn't want to have to worry about it at the last minute, and plus that way I figured I would have spent my budget on gifts that month and then be done with it. However, it seemed that I just kept buying stuff last year and the piles grew larger, which was good for everyone else but bad for me :) Even though I knew I had bought enough, I kept seeing things that I should buy for people and so I did. This year I didn't buy anything until like last week and I think I'm doing pretty good! Kevin got a lot of stuff this year, what with the Porsche, a big new TV and of course we already bought the honeymoon, so I don't really have to worry about getting him something. For our family we're just drawing names and the limit this year is low so no one is spending too much. It just seems that this year Christmas came so much quicker right after Thanksgiving so there wasn't as much time to worry about gifts.

Kevin and I organized our save the date cards today and then created a new blog - jenniferandkevinwedding.blogspot.com to post new things about the wedding and upcoming events. Plus that's where we can put our registry and inform our guests about the wedding. As of today there are 146 more days until the wedding - crazy! Erik, our wedding photographer, also sent me a disc with all our engagement photos from the session he took and also the trash the dress pictures that Lindy and I took. I think Lindy and I should be professional models, but that's just my opinion. Here's some fun pictures for everyone to see and enjoy! :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving - Early December

Hello everyone,

Well December is here and I had hoped it would be a great month, especially, considering that November was a loooong month due to the novel I was writing in nanowrimo - aka National Novel Writing Month - and how busy that kept me. We also had tons of people visit, Lindy visited like three times, mom and dad visited twice - plus Matilda! And we had Thanksgiving here in the Dondo and it was really really fun.

I am so glad we had everyone down here and we even had some people from down the hall have Thanksgiving with us too - and we also watched as much college football as we could possibly handle. Supposedly in about two weeks we're going to the Dr. Phil show so we'll see about that!

Hope everyone's having a great holiday season out there - but we have had some sad times already. One of my really good friends, Bryan Marks, his mother passed away around Thanksgiving and that's just really hard because he is so close with his family and I can't imagine anyone losing their parent. Then I found out this morning that my neighbors, my Uncle Lewis has passed away and although he was older, it's always a sad thing. Also, there has been some turmoil regarding people I work with and I was just hoping that December was going to be an easy, great holiday season. So far it hasn't . . . but it's still early!

Let's hope the rest of the month is good!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkey Day

Happy Turkey Day Tomorrow!

For the past few weeks I have been writing a novel because it is National Novel Writing Month and this is the 10th year of the contest. The contest is basically anyone who reaches 50,000 words in the month of November is classified a winner, which is cool, but you have to log into the website and upload your word count and they verify everything. So I have been writing a lot and as much as I can since November 1st. As of right now I am 41,000 words into it and I still have until Sunday night at midnight. I am just worried that with all the festivities that I will be sidetracked, but I'm pretty sure I can hold strong and finish it in time. Besides, I'm a procrastinator who does best when the deadline is almost there.
Also, Happy Birthday to Carter, Kevin's new nephew who was born earlier this morning. Welcome to the world! I'm sure the Triplett clan is very excited from California to Chicago, so congratulations everyone.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jamaica'N me crazy! Honeymoon is booked!

Do you recognize Kevin and I in this picture? We posed for it hahaha jk. Though hopefully that will be us in 6 months - whoa the time is flying - when we go on our honeymoon to Jamaica. I've been researching and looking at lots of different places to try and decide where to go and initially we were going to go through Sandals. They have lots of different resorts and different islands to choose from and they are all-inclusive which was definitely something we were excited about so we wouldn't have to worry about paying for anything once we got there. However, none of the flights seemed to work out like we were wanting them to and we couldn't decide on which island or resort we wanted to go because they all seemed to have pros and cons. Then last night I ran into this resort which is part of the Sandals brand but a slightly higher-end and smaller resort that seemed a little nicer and still had the all-inclusive aspect. Then when I punched in the flight info it was just perfect. Voila! Perfect timing too since we got a deal and was eligible for a one night free discount. Now we are booked and ready to go!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trash the Dress Part 1

These are just some shots of Lindy and I at our Trash the Dress event we went to today. More are sure to come once Erik gets them online. Make sure to stay tuned!!!

We are approximately people 10 or 11 in the first picture and 3rd and 4th girls in the 2nd. Yippee!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Scary Times . . . Knott's Scary Farm!

Last week the group of us went to Knott's Scary Farm and had some really good times . . . we went on lots of rides and through lots of mazes. A few of us got a little scared but it was all in good fun :)

They had lots of people dressed up in scary costumes and they pop out at you all over the place.

So this guy is on a show called Weeds and he came into our restaurant last night. One of our 'co-workers' has a slight crush on him and was super excited to see him.

We ended up having everyone over this past Monday and somehow ended up with an impromptu wrestling match and let's just say, it's a good thing no one lives underneath our apartment!

Also, how cute does Tilders look in the Porsche? :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Like Sand Through the Hourglass . . .

These are the days of our lives . . . haha

I've been reading Matt's blog over at adventuresofmattandjill.com to keep up with all the cute new pictures and happenings of little (big) Pete. I can't wait to see him in person! Kevin's brother Bryan and sister-in-law Erika are due in December so we will soon have even more babies in the family! Also, Sherri got a job down here in Redondo Beach and will be moving here this upcoming week . . . yea!

We also have a new addition to the family -- that's right, we bought a new car. A Porsche Boxster in fact. Well, it's not brand-new but it's still really nice looking and of course Kevin's stoked about it. We took it to visit my friend Tiff from when I was in Alpha Delta Pi at UCSB and she was excited about the car too lol. It was really nice to catch up with her - it had been over a year since the last time I was able to hang out with her and we had a lot to discuss. She lives in a really nice area called Costa Mesa which is right next to Newport Beach.

Over the last few weeks we have been bringing the game of Sequence to the fore-front of our fun group times here in the Riviera apartments. My friend from down the hall, Jules, is a huge game person and she has even gone out and bought Sequence for herself since we introduced her to it. Our friend Lev is also now a fan and Karly and Danny have been playing with us as well. Kevin was actually there when we took the picture but he was sitting next to me and leaning back so he got cut out of the picture. I was trying to use the timer so we could catch a group picture and Kev still didn't make it in it. Boo.

It was also Janna's birthday a few weeks ago and we all hung out after work and even hit up Karaoke where we made Janna get up and sing Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. Of course, we were all up there singing with her and I think she had a blast.

Kev also had a great time playing football with all the guys. However, Danny ended up hurting his knee and limping off the field after awhile and Lev ended up hurting his neck and going to the chiropractor the following week. haha But I think everyone had fun.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lots 'O' Pictures

I wanted to congratulate Matt & JIll on the birth of Peter Reiswig! What a cute baby and I can't wait to meet him! Welcome to the world Peter!

Last Wednesday Kevin and I went to Santa Barbara to take engagement pictures and had a lot of fun. It was a long day, however, and we held up pretty well, all things considered. Our photographer, Erik, lives in Pasadena so we picked him up around 7am Wed. morning and were on our way to Santa Barbara where we proceeded to take pictures from about 10:30am-7:30pm. What a long day! But our pictures did turn out really well and I'm really happy with them. Once we narrow them down I'll have to post some on here :) We even had costume changes and went to different locations - all without having a place to change or get ready in! We were like Clark Kent changing in the telephone booth . . . only we just had our car to change in :o)

Here are some statistics that I found online about weddings and the difference 50 years can make haha

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Now, usually you ask your closest, most important life-long friends, sisters, cousins or whatever girls that have been instrumental in your life up until this point to be in your wedding party so they can share in one of the most important days of your life. Naturally you want them to have a good time and look beautiful as well, so that's why you make them wear things like this:

I actually think that the last picture was from my mom's wedding album :)

Also, I think that inflatable arches are a great classy addition to any wedding reception. They just bring a certain something to the overall feel of the party.

I also think that every bride should have her picture and name in as many places as possible during the wedding and reception so I'm really leaning toward putting my picture onto all the flowers on my bouquet. That sounds great :)

And last but not least . . . I think that this is the absolute most breathtaking display for a wedding cake that I can think of. Understated elegance.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

92 Months ~ of Fun!

Kevin and I met with the Deacon at the church here in Redondo Beach at St. James and we had to fill out this form and it asked for how many months we have dated so I had to calculate it all out and it comes to 92 months! Ha ha, that's a long time. We have another meeting in 2 weeks and then we're also going to be taking engagement photos in 2 weeks as well. Yippee! Erik, our photographer, is going to Santa Barbara with us for the day so we can take some pictures there. These are some places we might take our pictures at:

Kevin also wants to take some pictures at this hike he likes to go on called Inspiration Point or 7 Falls - I'm not sure which one. I just asked that we could take the 'pretty' pictures first and then we can hike and get sweaty and take pictures up there too if we must ha ha!


The last few weeks of work have been pretty busy and I've actually been working a lot and have another solid 6 days ahead of me before another day off . . . boo :( But at least we should have lots of money coming in, I hope! :o) Tomorrow Kevin and I are meeting with the church here in Redondo to start our pre-marital stuff and to get all that started. Hopefully the meeting goes well and we get the ball rolling. Also, good luck to Matt and Jill - they should be having little baby Reiswig any day now. Go Baby Reiswig!

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Dress

I know that the dress is the most important part of the whole wedding planning process and I personally took a lot of time to search for the perfect dress. I ended up going to 10 different stores and searched from the lowlands to the high seas and I still couldn't find anything I liked. Throughout this search I went to David's Bridal in Modesto, David's Bridal in Redondo Beach, a fancy place in Modesto that had a gorgeous Pronovias dress that I really liked but it just didn't have all the components that I was looking for, I went all the way down to Costa Mesa and looked at Mon Amie, which is like one of the biggest bridal store places around Southern California and still nothing. Nothing that just had everything I wanted. But then finally, finally, after all the sweat and tears I finally found THE DRESS! It's a little bit different than what I had initially thought I was going to go with but I think that once you see it on, you'll just really appreciate it the way I do. As soon as I put it on I knew it was THE ONE!

HA HA HA HA HA HA Can you imagine?! No way!

I Heart This Cake

So I found this cake on the website theknot.com and it was a cake from a wedding in New York. My friend Renee and I went around today looking for some edible pearls and edible confetti/glitter so we could try and recreate this cake. Hopefully we can play around with some ideas and try to make something as pretty as this picture. Yea! I just hope no one breaks a tooth on the pearls or slides and breaks a hip if they fall on the ground hee hee. Now onward to flowers and centerpieces. The fun never ends haha.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More Cakes

Here are just some fun cakes I found online. People sure are crazy:

I think some of these are good if we end up inviting the 3,000 Portuguese people I am related to :o)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mario Lopez is Not Nice

So I have a kinda funny/kinda mean but probably true portrayal of Mario Lopez. I have a really cute funny friend at work named Kathleen who is adorable and she went to Vegas last weekend with a bunch of her girl friends and they were at a club in the Palms casino dancing and having a good time. Well, all of a sudden a bodyguard comes over to them and is like, hey, Mario Lopez is here in the VIP room and he wants some girls to hang out with him in there. So of course the girls were like, yeah, we'll go hang out in the VIP room! Kathleen and her friends went in and saw Mario Lopez and he was sitting with his brother (who Kathleen said is like 2 feet tall and Mr. Lopez is not so tall himself, and yes, I'm short too but whatever) and the girls were hanging out there for like at most five minutes before Mario Lopez looked up and down each girl, shook his head and nodded to the bouncer. The bouncer then turned on his flashlight, flashed it over the girls and said, Okay girls, time to go. The girls were like, what's going on, but they stood up and walked out as five more young girls were being ushered into the room to replace them. Kathleen was so outraged because obviously Mario Lopez only wanted someone to find him the hottest girls in the club and if they didn't meet his satisfaction then they were going to be easily replaced with new girls. Now, I understand that this type of thing probably happens all the time but it just doesn't seem very nice and makes me definitely not like Mario Lopez at all.