Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Have I Been Listening To?

This past Fall semester I was driving a lot to my various jobs.  I was driving about 85-100 miles a day (round-trip) three days a week, plus about 30-50 miles a day one day a week.  And I was still working at the restaurant, etc.  So, I decided that the only way to stay awake and not fall asleep as the wheel (though I did see a few accidents on my 405 to the 118 to the 210 or from the 110 to the 91 to 5 to 10 to 210, etc) was to start listening to some books on tape.

I started getting some from the library for free and I listening to Cutting for Stone, which was a really, really good book.  I enjoyed that a lot.
I also listened to this book, which was good in the beginning, but then fell away a little once it was about halfway to three-quarter of the way into it.

I listened to this, which was okay.  I liked the premise a bit, but then it sort of fell away.

I started listening to Anna Karenina, but this book is so long that it's doubled up into two huge albums of CD's at the library.  I listened to the first half but when I returned it, the second half was still out.  But I just recently downloaded it through and am listening to it again.

Martin told me about this book and he loved it (and made us watch the trailer of the film a billion times haha) and so I listened to it - it's an interesting concept - six different stories throughout different periods of time and the idea of the soul as connected by all the different characters, etc.  It was okay - but I think I'd like reading it better than listening to it.

 Martin has also recommended this book over and over (and I've actually owned the book for about three or four years and have tried reading it at least two times, but can't get past the first 100 pages) and so I finally decided to give it a shot audibly.  It was still a little tough to get through the beginning (but when you're only listening, you have no choice but to keep listening) and then the middle was really good.  I don't know exactly about the ending, but I've kept thinking about it which I guess means it was a good story/book.

Then, we discovered after our Christmas trivia night in December that there was going to be a Harry Potter (books 1-4) trivia night in January.  So, I took it upon myself to re-read the first four books to prepare - and this was quite a feat.

I re-read all four within the last seven days and I felt like I was taking the comprehensive exams for my MA all over again.  We didn't do so well at trivia (the event was last night) but I am very glad it is over for the moment.  Round 2 is at the end of February haha.

So, although I have been driving a lot (and grading, teaching, planning, etc) I have been able to listen to some great books and feel like I'm doing something productive while unproductively just driving miles upon miles.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Recent Workouts

As most people probably do . . . January has become my month of working out.  I started working out at my friend Jessie's gym (which is nice because it's like a five minute jog from my apartment) and now I'm there about four days a week taking classes.  I had also bought Groupons for multiple workout places before Christmas and now I actually have to use them before they expire. 
My first Groupon:  Yogahop. It's a yoga place that sets the workout to hip-hop music and the movements go quicker than regular yoga.  I've gone twice by now and poured sweat each time. 

Another one is Cardio Barre.  I have yet to actually take a class here, but I have ten classes waiting for me!

And lastly, I got some Pilates Reformer classes at South Bay Pilates.  Whew - once I actually do all of these I will actually be in great shape!!!  Maybe.  haha                                               


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'm Baaaaack!

Okay - whew.  It's been about four months since I've posted anything.  Since coming back from Australia with Sherri, I have somehow taught five courses at three different colleges, took two online courses at CSU Fullerton to finish my Postsecondary Reading Certificate, worked one or two days a week at a restaurant and tried to keep my sanity.

Overall, I think I managed it all pretty well and am very glad that first semester is over!  I am now teaching a winter course at Santa Monica College and will be teaching five courses again in the spring at two different colleges.  Restaurant job is over!!  Hallelujah!  (Although I am able to pick up shifts here and there for people, which is nice).

So . . . my goal is to check this blog site more often and post more often in the upcoming months :)  Today is step one!