Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Adjunct Position :)

Last week I had an interview at Los Angeles Mission College for a part-time adjunct position teaching English.  I found out that I got the job and am very excited - this was something I added to my 30 before 30 list more as a wish than as something I really thought would be accomplished.  I am very, very thrilled to be crossing it off the list!


After D.C., we were back in New York for the night and then Lindy and I were up and out the next morning early to catch the bus to Boston.

Bolt bus, once again

Justin Bieber papers given out on our way to the bus

First up, Sam Adams Brewery



Time to visit our smart buddies at Harvard

Yummy lunch

Freedom Trail

Paul Revere's house - "The British are Coming!"

Chowdah with Jason, Somer's fiancee

The best pastries ever

Delicious cannelloni 

Cheers bar!