Friday, August 12, 2011

Gearing Up

Today is my first day off in 6 weeks.  (I did have one day off to go home for Brandon's funeral, but I don't feel like that counts as a fun day off) - I have worked 8 days straight at Kincaids between the last week and this week, and if I'm not at Kincaids, I've been doing the Summer Bridge program at Dominguez.  Since it has been such a crazy 6 weeks without any real time off for myself, I have seriously been so looking forward to Hawaii.

Finally, the day has come!  Tomorrow we leave for Maui and I can NOT wait.  But, before I can go to Maui, I have to tie up some loose ends and run some errands.

This morning I did my final weigh-in at weight watchers and was happy to discover that I met my goal - I lost 22.6 pounds since I started in January (though the last three months I haven't been going to meetings or really participating), then I met up with my friend Somer and her boyfriend Jason for breakfast in Marina del Rey.

Somer, Jason and me
They are moving next weekend to Boston for the year so Somer can go to graduate school there.  I am so excited for them so they can experience a new city, a new state and lots of new adventures.

Som Som and Jason

Pi Love forever!

Somer and I have been friends since I moved into the dorms at UCSB and joined the same sorority, Alpha Delta Pi.  She is the reason we even moved to Redondo because she was already living here and showed us around and then we fell in love with it.  

I can't wait to visit them - I'm hoping to visit Carrie and Jamie in NY and then make a side trip over to Boston.

After that I raced over and got my hair done near my friend Jessie's house, visiting her briefly after my appointment.

Jessie and Ayden :)

After that I raced over to the chiropractor and had a massage then adjustment.  By that point Brooks had arrived in Redondo and him and Kev were waiting for me so we could start packing and get excited about tomorrow.  

1 day until Hawaii!!!!


Carrie Elizabeth said...

You already know what's my favorite part of this post! CAN'T wait! Hope you are having the time of your life in Hawaii :) I am looking forward to reading the blog about it!

Jamie said...

LOVE this! A well deserved and much needed vacation for sure! Can't wait to see pics:)