Friday, August 27, 2010

Poetry Exam = over for now

Tonight was my 2nd attempt at a poetry "explication." I managed to pull together a few classmates and we studied for the last few days and we then took the test today. I'm hoping we all passed because I definitely do not want to study for this anymore!

Last night my old friend, Henry Truong, was in town for the evening and met up with me and Sherri after my study session at Kincaid's and we had a little bit of food and after that Sherri went home but Henry couldn't resist the local karaoke at Mickie Finz's . . . so we of course stopped by there and he sang three songs. First he did a Michael Buble, then Tim McGraw and lastly, Eminem haha.

It was great to catch up, especially since I haven't seen Henry since our wedding last May!

School starts Monday . . . now that this test is over . . . I can actually concentrate on the upcoming school. It's exciting that Lindy and Sherri are both attending grad school this year too . . . which is fun - we are soo smart haha jk!


Shannon said...

Which songs did you sing Jen???? Hope you passed your test!

Jennifer Verissimo Triplett said...

lol - no songs for me, Shannon! I only sing karaoke in a group setting! And Henry was really good . . . so, no . . . no singing! I'll find out in a few weeks if I passed . . . ugh.