Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August is Here

Well, June and July have flown by and now we're into August. August is a month that I look forward to because it's my birthday month and the weather is usually nice - get a little beach time in. Buuuut . . . this August is shaping up to be a little different than past years. First of all, I am scheduled to have my wisdom teeth out [yes, finally] on August 6th. Normally I would be nervous about this but not petrified, seeing as how many people [usually teenagers] do this all the time. However, my situation is more difficult because all four of my teeth are impacted and the roots on my wisdom teeth are very long and touch the nerves in my jaw. Hence, I could have nerve damage once the surgery is over. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well and I'm just a little achy and tired when it is all said and done.

The weather here has also been pretty overcast and gloomy - which works well for when I'm scheduled a patio shift and get called off, but not great beach days. Also, August here reminds me that I will be returning to school at the end of this month and that I really need to study for that poetry exam that I didn't pass the first time. I only get two more chances and would really like to have it passed this time so I can move on.

One plus about this month is that we are setting up a trapeze day to celebrate my birthday/just finally doing trapeze.

I have actually been wanting to do a trapeze class for about two years now and decided that this was the year to do it [as long as I survive my wisdom teeth surgery] and found some friends at work who also wanted to partake in this crazy event. This is located in Santa Monica on the pier and is supposed to be right on the water and really fun.

So . . . I'm trying to not think about the wisdom teeth but will enjoy having four days off from work - and then focus on my upcoming trapeze/birthday.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good luck today Jen and I will be praying for you! See you soon. Luv Ya! :)