Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Birthday :)

Hello everyone out there in blog land. Today's theme is "What does Jennifer want for her birthday?" Now, I have gotten some of these things already, but I thought I'd include them anyway. I would like either an iPod shuffle or Nano for my b-day since I now have a bike, yes, that's right, one almost exactly like the picture on this blog, so I need to listen to some tunes while I'm bike riding to work. The bike was from Kevin for my birthday and I have ridden it to work almost everyday since. I would also like a new pair of 7 for all Mankind jeans since the ones like these in the picture I used to own but wore them throughout Europe and a hole got worn into them. I would also like a Louis Vuitton purse like the one shown here but I know I'm going to hear about that, because, yes I do already have two and no, I don't really need another one. But maybe I do :) Hey, this is a wish list so there! Also, my hair is now almost the color of Lindsay Lohan's in this picture shown here, so be prepared when you seen me next! My friend Brittney is a hostess at the restaurant I work at and her mom owns a salon here in Redondo, and she also is a hair stylist, so she did my hair for me tonight and we just finished at like 11pm so that's some dedication on her part. I am also like very tan and almost black from playing volleyball everyday so yeah :) Have a good day! Wish me luck - I have an interview on Thursday for an internship with a production company. Yippee!

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