Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas is Coming

Well it's that time of year again and Christmas is coming, whether you are ready or not! Last year I had almost all my Christmas shopping done in October because I didn't want to have to worry about it at the last minute, and plus that way I figured I would have spent my budget on gifts that month and then be done with it. However, it seemed that I just kept buying stuff last year and the piles grew larger, which was good for everyone else but bad for me :) Even though I knew I had bought enough, I kept seeing things that I should buy for people and so I did. This year I didn't buy anything until like last week and I think I'm doing pretty good! Kevin got a lot of stuff this year, what with the Porsche, a big new TV and of course we already bought the honeymoon, so I don't really have to worry about getting him something. For our family we're just drawing names and the limit this year is low so no one is spending too much. It just seems that this year Christmas came so much quicker right after Thanksgiving so there wasn't as much time to worry about gifts.

Kevin and I organized our save the date cards today and then created a new blog - to post new things about the wedding and upcoming events. Plus that's where we can put our registry and inform our guests about the wedding. As of today there are 146 more days until the wedding - crazy! Erik, our wedding photographer, also sent me a disc with all our engagement photos from the session he took and also the trash the dress pictures that Lindy and I took. I think Lindy and I should be professional models, but that's just my opinion. Here's some fun pictures for everyone to see and enjoy! :)

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